William ‘Al Adam’ Doran

William Doran Trumpet/Composer is an avant garde jazz multi-instrumentalist utlizing extended techniques within compositon. Creates a caucophony of sound enriched with various instruemntation western and non western, re-defining Jazz tradition . All are part of a divine catalogue that also portrays life expirence and spirituality

His approach is unique in that utilizing avant garde has allowed a very free and individualistic voice that is prominent on recordings he appears on . With a very dark tone with a fullness and omnisprence of spiritus using various horns from rotary trumpets ,cornet , trumpet and french horn .

His principle instrument is the Trumpet which has a very omnious approach to paradigm as he use image projections within the horn to create narratives that aren’t derivative unlike most of his contempories who are complete indulged in the institution and have a very dreary way of playing.

William has been around in various scenes Jazz,Avant Garde , expirmental and classical which has given him a way of creating rich timbres .

With albums being performed completly be William Himself using his unique transcendental approach that has a deep root in the new orleans jazz sound which has energy but also absoultley brutalist in augmenting the “jazz lick’ approach of essentially replicating other people playing.

Within his groups with various african musicans he plays with a very modernist style that pairs back the avant garde approach in his solo ventures which are composed using star maps .

Improvisation systems

William Doran has various systems for improvisation dependent on the context .

Transcdental system:This apporach is basically entering the spirit of Yeshua and focusing on isolated concepts in non linear form .This is all dependent on star placement and universal placement and internal stages. This is meditation on a singular concept to express yeshuas grace and love with avant prowess.

Unilateral focus point displacement: This approach is used for big band and large ensemble pieces for instance creative big band where there is predesignated end point but its using pulsations that imitate the walk across water that Yeshua did as faith building . This express the unifomirty but displacement of quantum particles with disturbance.